Roads of Italy

Transfer Taxi in Italy

Transfer and travel services, advice from Roads of Italy. This is your personal car transfer from/to Malpensa Airport, Milan, Italy, Switzerland. Rental a personal car with a driver. We have the best conditions for passengers from Malpensa Airport. Comfort and safety, as well as the best offers and discounts. Traveling with us is easy and simple.

Roads of Italy

Individual trips – Italy, Switzerland, France

We organize transfers from/to Malpensa airport and Italy. Renting a personal car with a driver is one of the most convenient options for getting to the place you need. Professional drivers and modern cars in perfect condition. Large selection of cars of various classes, punctuality and comfort. We care about our clients and you can be sure that we will do our job perfectly!

Everything made in house with 100% organic ingredients

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Seasonal travel

Italy is a country of extraordinary beauty, where you can travel at any time of the year. In winter you can visit the ski resorts, in the spring you can go to Florence and Venice, in the summer you can go to the beaches of Liguria, and in the autumn you can enjoy a walk on Lake Como or Lake Garda. Italy is a country of recreation and tourism, it will enchant you with its hospitality, grandeur and diversity.

Professional drivers


We cooperate only with professional drivers with great driving experience, drivers know all the cities of Italy and Europe, and many of them know several languages ​​for comfort in communicating with passengers. Politeness, punctuality and safety are the three main qualities that all our drivers possess. For your comfort, we offer cars of various classes: Comfort, Van, MiniBus, Bus and special purpose vehicles: 4×4 Off-road, S-Lux, Exclusive. All cars are in perfect condition, and you can check all the details and questions you are interested in with our call-center operator: +371 25 358 234


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Acquario di Genova

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Кафедральный собор “San Lorenzo”

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